another Sproing

Hmmmm, I have this board. I've built the Deluxe already, this sounds interesting. Which model "brick" did you use?
Michael, Ive used both Med and Long decay of these from
Accutronics/Belton BTDR-2H. Choose between medium and long decay.
Medium decay: 2.5 seconds
Long decay: 2.85 seconds
Michael, Ive used both Med and Long decay of these from
Accutronics/Belton BTDR-2H. Choose between medium and long decay.
Medium decay: 2.5 seconds
Long decay: 2.85 seconds
Thanks! I was initially a bit disappointed with the reverb in the Sproing Deluxe but it's growing on me.

Now that I've completely dialed in my delay and reverb sound (dual DMM's and a Gravitation) I have to replicate all the pedals for my amp set up so I don't have to swap cables between the amp and desktop rig. I'm considering building out the Sproing for the reverb. I use so very little reverb that I'm barely scratching the surface of what the Gravitation can do.
I place this after a DD7 and it really smooths it out, both subtle but enough for great 80's hair tone. Just got done jamming with my drummer, fun stuff.
Ive also read on a previous thread, someone was having weak volume issues? Both of my Sproings are very responsive and just a little goes a long way. Tayda L78L05, Used both TL072cn and cp in other, zero difference. The Accutronics BTDR-2H is the coolest thing!
Ive also read on a previous thread, someone was having weak volume issues? Both of my Sproings are very responsive and just a little goes a long way. Tayda L78L05, Used both TL072cn and cp in other, zero difference. The Accutronics BTDR-2H is the coolest thing!
Right, I have an actual Boing to compare it against. If you turn the volume up, it sounds great, but when I substituted the Sproing for the Boing I was surprised to find it was so much quieter. If you don't have something to compare it against, you might not notice.....
Right, I have an actual Boing to compare it against. If you turn the volume up, it sounds great, but when I substituted the Sproing for the Boing I was surprised to find it was so much quieter. If you don't have something to compare it against, you might not notice.....
Does the Boing use different branded components? Noise floor? Still happy with Sproing, touch with a cranked Plexi is 1985 Hair tone!
Does the Boing use different branded components? Noise floor? Still happy with Sproing, touch with a cranked Plexi is 1985 Hair tone!
I haven't opened it up to look! Here's the thread where it was discussed