Batch of Nexus of Plexus'

The Gator

Well-known member
That is a funny plural word...Plexus'...or Plexus's...or Plexuses
Anyway some you got a glimpse of my version of the Golden Falk, (aka plexibreed circuit) in the boneyard in one of Chuck's great threads, on the circuit.
I had several friends interested so I made a batch of four just like I did with the stratodrives. 20240402_213302.jpg
These are an improved graphics material than the first one I made. It is a gold printable foiled vinyl. Little thicker, but looks much better.
I modify the circuits tone section by increasing C16 to 47nf and adding a 10K resistor in series with the tone pot right before it. This accentuates the effect of a mid scoop in low settings, yet still has high frequencies. Then when turned up, the tone becomes mid forward with high frequencies.
It is a great little circuit!
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