BF-2 Blackhat Edition (Boss BF-2)


Well-known member
It’s been a fun ride but, I think it’s time to hang up the iron for a bit. I’m out of ideas and honestly, tired of building. What better way to go out than a build of my favorite effect. The Boss BF-2. I’ve already talked at great length about my love and history with this effect so, I’ll just say… this is a Blackhat edition of the Boss BF-2 that I dubbed the BF-2B.

What makes it so special? Well… nothing. I did the layout, I put my logo on it, I had the pcbs made, and then I built it. That’s pretty much it. I also did another MN3007 version of a CE-2 for the hell of it because… why not? I needed to use up parts I have in my inventory and it gave me an excuse to use the CT3101 @Cabintech sent me awhile back.

Anywho… that’s pretty much all from me for awhile. I’ll still be lurking in the shadows of the forum every now and then but, it’s time to go play with my toys instead trying to build better ones.

Things have gotten kinda stale around here lately. Clinton gonna riff some tool...I'll be right over boo😈💅
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That'd be a great graphic for the SS/BS OD, the PPCB Fornicus.
Have to do some offboard wiring, but that's okay as the WEIGHT and SAG switches would hold the PCB in place.

F = FORCE (drive/gain)
U = URGE (volume)
C = CUT (high-cut)
K = KICKOFF (threshold)
I really appreciate all of the kind words. I gotta say though, some of y’all are giving me WAY too much credit. I’m just a middle aged hack and curmudgeon who solders shit together in his garage. Hell, a few years ago I was still melting film caps with the iron on my magnetron build 😬. Like I said though, I’ll be around the forum every now and then. I might even be able to share some knowledge and advice. At the very least, I’ll sound like a complete tool while attempting to do so. Speaking of TOOL, I’m gonna go smoke a J and play some TOOL riffage like Chris suggested 🤘.