Boss DD-x Hi-Cut/TES Mod


New member
Hello everyone,

I've had a passing interest in pedal modding for a bit now and since I'm out of college (just walked on Saturday), I have some free time to kill. Now, I've been obsessed with getting a Cornish TES-like sound for a while. It's a pretty involved build that I don't have the skills for just yet, but I'd like to get the ball rolling by modding one of the Boss DD compact platforms with a switch that does a hi-cut thing like the TES - the common mod everyone does to these.

I know it's pretty simple; the gist of it is soldering up a DPDT switch with a cap into the delay signal. I also know that how that's done depends on the pedal being modded. Any recommendations on which one to get? I know the TES is based on the DD-2, but I was leaning more towards an older DD-5 for this since I don't want to destroy a vintage DD (yet). I am open to whatever, though.