Broken Boss CH-1


Well-known member
So I bought a broken Boss CH-1 because I saw a couple of unobtainable chips in there (MN3007 and MN3101). I got the pedal today and it’s in relatively rough shape. One jack is missing, one of the output ones is desoldered from the breakout board, the ribbon cable has been cut, all the connections have been cut and there is no foot switch. So I’m now debating whether I want to restore the original pedal (maybe rehousing it since there is no back plate) or just harvest the two interesting chips and maybe some transistors. I’m also not familiar with this particular model so I’m not really sure if the surgery would be worth it.
What do you all think? What did I get myself into? :)
If I decide to harvest I am happy to send you the enclosure!
I appreciate the offer, but I’d much rather see what you could come up with to do with it! I’ll gladly take you up on the offer if you decide to harvest and don’t want to do anything else with the enclosure, but if you do harvest the components, I’d urge you to first see if you can come up a fun idea of your own to use it for! Feel free to pm me for some group-brainstorming on what you could do with it!
So I bought a broken Boss CH-1 because I saw a couple of unobtainable chips in there (MN3007 and MN3101). I got the pedal today and it’s in relatively rough shape. One jack is missing, one of the output ones is desoldered from the breakout board, the ribbon cable has been cut, all the connections have been cut and there is no foot switch. So I’m now debating whether I want to restore the original pedal (maybe rehousing it since there is no back plate) or just harvest the two interesting chips and maybe some transistors. I’m also not familiar with this particular model so I’m not really sure if the surgery would be worth it.
What do you all think? What did I get myself into? :)

You can get aftermarker backing plates for Boss pedals.

Harvest the components, then stick something like a Chalumeau in there (the Chalu PCB won't fit, I'm pretty sure), but ...
Or a Fuzz Factory. There are some small Fuzz Factory boards available. Then fix one of the knob settings (like gain, maxed)... The more raunchy and wild the circuit the better. Wire up two of the pots in reverse, maybe three...

Then lend out your CH-1 "chorus" pedal to unsuspecting friends, acquaintances, band-members...

and loaned out to paying customers... "Here, try my modded personal chorus, if you like it I'll build you one, too..."
"Oh no! What have you done to my Chorus pedal? That's going to cost me a fortune to fix it!"
I wouldn't charge friends, but customers... it won't matter when word gets out among the paying customers not to borrow Giovanni's CH-1 'cause you'll already be rich by then and can retire.
You can get aftermarker backing plates for Boss pedals.

Harvest the components, then stick something like a Chalumeau in there (the Chalu PCB won't fit, I'm pretty sure), but ...
Or a Fuzz Factory. There are some small Fuzz Factory boards available. Then fix one of the knob settings (like gain, maxed)... The more raunchy and wild the circuit the better. Wire up two of the pots in reverse, maybe three...

Then lend out your CH-1 "chorus" pedal to unsuspecting friends, acquaintances, band-members...

and loaned out to paying customers... "Here, try my modded personal chorus, if you like it I'll build you one, too..."
"Oh no! What have you done to my Chorus pedal? That's going to cost me a fortune to fix it!"
I wouldn't charge friends, but customers... it won't matter when word gets out among the paying customers not to borrow Giovanni's CH-1 'cause you'll already be rich by then and can retire.
That’s a great idea!!! :)
I've purchased a few "pre-owned" pedals on eBay & Reverb, some with the idea of using them as-is and some for gutting them. I ask a lotta questions of the seller in an effort to understand what I'm getting and whether the seller has a clue as to the actual condition of the item. In a few cases, I have gone back to the seller for a cost adjustment because the pedal was in worse condition than they had advertised.
Now that I have your attention: if I were to harvest the chips (an option that’s getting more likely every day), what pedal would you recommend I build with them? I have never built a chorus or flanger, so I would be open to either…
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