C2CE Diplomat


Well-known member
I teased this after the initial failure in the workbench thread a few months ago. I had reversed the 10uf 250v cap so after a minute of playing through it there was a loud pop and the magic smoke.

After an excruciatingly long wait to order another cap, it has been easily resurrected and I'm quite satisfied with the result. While it was torn apart, I changed the led from green to white since these tubes block more light than 12ax7 and it was a little hard to see.
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Another fantastic project from @vigilante398 that was easy to build (though not idiot proof lol) and delivers some sweet sounds. My tele sounds really good, I especially like how my Charlie Christian neck pickup responds which can be a little too warm and thick with some pre's.

My interest here was more about bass uses since there are 2 extra positions on the rotary for more low end happiness. I do prefer those positions for sure but I didn't find it unusable dialed further back a few clicks either. I read someone else describe the toan as snappy and that feels accurate. Breathes some life into the sound without distorting but breaks up nicely with boosting. I don't have my echo foxtrot or particle accelerator on hand for direct comparison but pushing this with my space heater, akronym, and phat phuk b are all excellent.

I honestly don't have a favorite sushibox build yet. I'll be no help if you're reading this to help decide which to build. They're all worth the effort so far. The nobelium is closest and is the only permanent resident on my rig. I am looking forward to a proper shootout when I get my PA and EF back and also finish the bassdude on my bench.

One thing seems true. Resurrecting an exploded build is just a little sweeter.