Caesar Chorus Bass Mod


I Couldn't find this so I figured I would add it. please tell me if I was wrong.

I was on Aion Fx's site and came across the Azure chorus thinking it might be fun since it was based on the CE-2. In the instructions he mentions that between the CE-2 and CE-2b the only difference other than a Mix knob is a single capacitor value. I remembered that I already built and use the Ceasar Chorus which is a Juilia which itself is based on the CE-2. Both of the schematics lined up, so it was easy to find what to change.

The change is C17 from 33nf to 12nf.

This change will limit the low-end frequencies that are modulated in the circuit and keep the bass from disappearing when the pedal is engaged.

I built a little board around a SPDT switch I had laying around to change the values back and forth to mess with it.

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