Caesar chorus pad lifted HELP!


New member
Hi all first post...

I'm still very much new to building and still at the paint by numbers, fill out a PCB and solder stage.

I've ended up lifting the square pad from the blend pot on the back of the PCB, looking at the schematic I think I could put a jumper in to the 12k resistor at R36, I'm not sure which leg though.

Could anyone help me out and confirm that a jumper to R36 is correct and which leg on the actual PCB to go to please?

Thanks in advance!
Studio_20210904_132042.png Studio_20210904_131932.png
Welcome to the best forum on the Interwebz.

No, not R36, but rather R37.

The big red X you made on the build doc is for LEG-1 of the Blend pot, so you want to connect it to R37 — according to the schematic.

You're on the right track, and a quick study, to figure out just jumpering the pot-leg to the resistor. I had to be told to do a similar jumper on my first build, too, after lifting the input pad.

Have you got a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM)?

If you don't, grab a cheap one and it'll pay for itself with diagnosing this build and then continue to serve you well in future.

Set the DMM to beep/continuity mode.

Put one probe on R36 and the other on Blend-3, if it beeps then move the probe to the other side of R36, and if it doesn't beep and the solderjoints are good, then you're on the correct side of R36.

Put one probe on R37 and with the other on R36, if the DMM beeps then you want to jumper from leg-1 (the square pad) to the OPPOSITE non-beep side of R37. If the DMM didn't beep then you're already on the correct side of R37 (or have a cold solderjoint on R37 &/or R36).

Good luck!