Cepheid Chorus / Boss CE-2


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5.00 star(s)
I can't add much about this circuit, as there's already a wealth of knowledge on these forums.. but look at the box, ain't she pretty?! lol

Had no issue sourcing the parts (SBP has a lot of the Cool Audio chips in stock fyi). It is dead simple to bias. I saw someone tossing n turning (get it? bc the trimmers. ok..) in another thread about dialing it exactly to spec in the Boss manual...it's just, uh, it's not that big of a deal. There's a big window on the trim that works (you'll see my sharpie lines), the difference in sound within that window does exist, but it's pretty subtle & easy to set by ear.

The only advice I have for any prospective builders is to think about your 3PDT wiring ahead of time. I wanted to audition mine bc I finished the board late last night, and was too tired to fiddle with biasing LEDs and such.. yadda yadda yadda, the bare wire out of the switch pad wasn't bare when I soldered it on.. cut it a liiiiiitle too close trying to strip it with nippers (as my strippers were too big for the space). lol nippers n strippers. sigh what I get for my sins I suppose, should have just used pushback wire like always ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

the box is light blue powder coat, UV printing by Tayda w/ varnish gloss. I have some lime green 16mm pinched pointers in the mail that I may swap out, but I am digging the Boss replicas for now...

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Wow that is looking decent af. I especially like your LED color choices. Can you tell us about the art?
thanks HK! I read that in Bubble's voice (which is always welcomed). I had like 9 diff LEDs popping out of my breadboard when they started blurring together - that was the signal for bedtime. That is to say, fresh eyes make for good choices!

So, I actually pulled that pattern from the world wide web, he sheepishly admitted. I was googling around for vector patterns that looked like how chorus sounds..if that makes sense. Keywords were along the lines of: trippy, pulsating, thicc, swirly, etc etc. There were a few in contention, and this one ended up hypnotizing me the most. I didn't even realize there were little stars of david (star of davids? is this a cul-de-sacs / culs-de-sac situation?) until I saw it printed irl.

I managed to generate that tie-dye pattern on my dirt dauber in AI, but when I need like 2 more designs to hit that Tayda discount pricing, we get a lil lazy : )