Crunch Captain Deluxe (The Cap'n)


Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Finished up my Crunch Captain Deluxe. Couldn't think of a name I liked with Crunch in it, but the Crunchbox is based on the Guv'nor, so I thought The Cap'n would be fitting. I designed the graphics to look like that.

I didn't change anything from the build doc except moving the LED location so I had more room for graphics. I did have one problem with this one. The mode and clip switches I used have a metal housing on them that wound up touching the legs of the High and Low pots. Sounded like garbage when I first fired it up. To fix it I just wrapped the switches with some electrical tape.

As far as sound, this thing is awesome. So many options and almost all of them great. The eq pots are super effective and useful. Way better than just a tone pot like alot of distortions have. The clip modes are all noticeably different though there are big volume differences between them. I think I like LED clipping the best (switch to the right). The mode switch also lets you easily change between low, medium, and high gain. The presence knob is also nice, basically goes from sounding far away to close up. All in all I really like this one.


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Looks great!

Far more subtle than if you’d copied the cereal box — which could also be fun, but this works so well, tipping the hat to the original circuit.