DBA Reverberation machine


Well-known member
Fuzzdog DBA reverberation machine with the feedback mod and momentary switch

First try at the water drop painting technique as per I glanced quickly over the instructions watched a wee bit of a vid and went for it

Looks nothing like water drops more like a meteor shower but kinda cool has a nice 3D effect when the light hits it

I realised why after the fact when I watched the vid fully

The usual ironed on toner transfer I was gonna etch it but couldn't be bothered don't usually employ LED bezels but liked the look of these flat metal one's when I saw them on someone's build and was especially happy it came with the insulating LED holder

Water-shower or meteor-shower, it looks great!
Happy accident meteors are way cooler than water drops anyway!

I'm gonna try it again but this time drop water on and see it I can do some kind of image or pattern with a brush using the water then side spray it

For those of you who haven't seen this technique before here's a vid
