Depth Charge (on vero)


Well-known member
Depth Charge bass fuzz (by Prescription Electronics)

I always wanted to try one, buying never happened, a PCB didn't show up either, so finally, I went with vero, according to the dirtbox layout.

Transistors are all 2N2222A (metal cans, except the matched Q4 and Q5, don't believe the pic) and the GE diodes are CV7049.
And while I was at it, I decided to add clipping options, because why not? And I put in a trimmer to fine tune the clean blend.

Graphics are a tool ... to please my eyes. ;)


Does it sound like the real deal? I don't know, but it fuzzes pretty nicely, I dig it.
Here are a few notes, going through the clipping otpions. Within each option, first the TONE knob is far left then far right. GAIN stays on about 60-70% and BLEND on about 80-90% wet.
1. GE
2. SI
3. none
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