Erik S
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    • Erik S
      Erik S reacted to brightlight's post in the thread Bulk buying components with Like Like.
      I know you don't wanna buy on a PCB by PCB basis, but unless your intention is to start breadboarding immediately and making your own...
    • Erik S
      I use option #1 unless there isn't room, then I'll go lumberg. The nuts are a pretty sloppy fit on the plastic threads, but I haven't...
    • Erik S
      Erik S replied to the thread Circulator!.
      Spray paint and hand labelled is my jam.
    • Erik S
      Erik S reacted to airbud's post in the thread Circulator! with Like Like.
      currently? no knobs and painters tape labels lol. my plan is to spray paint it gold with aluminum knobs like this one. I need to...
    • Erik S
      Erik S reacted to Alan W's post in the thread Blu Tack vs Blue Painters Tape with Like Like.
      Geez. When I put through hole parts in, I use small pliers to pull them down all the way (or with larger resistors I’ll have a removable...
    • Erik S
      Erik S replied to the thread Circulator!.
      Circulator is a good one. What’s the front look like??
    • Erik S
      Thank you, my brain is frazzled and those input jacks are new to me so I blanked on it! Fixed and working! Thanks again!
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