Diode forward voltages

So I was bored and decided to measure the silicon diodes I have on hand via three different devices and stick the results in a spreadsheet. Yup that's how we roll in the Octpuss house exciting as fook. Hopefully these are useful to someone and if you have any fancy silicon diodes not included in this then add them here along with the mA they were measured at.

On hand at the minute I've got some

1N4148 - Yellow painted glass from 70s
MA858 - 2 yellow stripes with mark on the cathode lead
MA859 - Blue and black stripes with mark on the cathode lead
BA282 from DIYguitarpedals.com.au in 2016
BA282 from Smallbear in 2020

I included both BA282 batches because the batch from smallbear are all consistently lower fv than the ones I have left from my last order in 2016.

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What component tester do you have? Should we trust the Peak DCA numbers as the most valid?
What component tester do you have? Should we trust the Peak DCA numbers as the most valid?

No they're all valid numbers, they're just at different points on each diodes curve.

That's why FV figures don't really mean anything unless you know what current it was tested at. Also that it's just one point on a curve.
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Keep in mind too that sometimes we use our ears in tandem with a measurement to create an aural landmark.


When I was brewing beer, we had a number of generally accepted calculations to estimating IBU, or the bitterness units, of that specific beer.

The issue was that those calculations depended on a number of process factors such as the time they were added (were you accurate about the time in the boil you dropped them in?), the α acid concept of the specific hop (which is affected by when they were packaged and storage) and the specific gravity of the beer when they were dropped in (did you measure gravity?).

The point was that the only way to measure IBU was in a lab. Yet you could determine bitterness level by taste and use the estimations to tweak the bitterness up or down in subsequent batches. That way the estimations WERE useful.

In this case, if I’ve used my TC1 to determine Vf for a specific diode and then plugged it into say, a Big Muff, and then tweak that value based on what I hear, tje TC1 can be used as an estimating tool based on the Vf if the that originally measured diode.

An aural landmark®️

(Aural Landmark is a registered trademark of Big Monk Electronic Device Co. and may not be used or reproduced without explicit permission from Derek Scott. 😂)