Well-known member
Did i build this just so i could write spotted dick in the title bar? Maybe. I've been using a fuzzdog P&C for a long time now. It's in my first trapezoid with a hogsfoot (FD fat pig) and Ezekiel (also FD). I highly recommend the hogsfoot or any boost before the prunes. I've never liked the Ezekiel combined with the P&C, it was more about enjoying the hogsfoot slamming the other two independently. I've recently realized that my pedalboard is now the heaviest part of my rig so I'm starting to make standalone units of my favorite circuits that I've combined. A flawless victory, biggest issue is one of my pots has the fatty shaft and very few of my knobs wanted to go on there. Cream knobs and purple painted labels to nod what sounds like a decent dessert. The urge to call this the shanker drive or label the knobs HPV was strong, maybe I've matured slightly.
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