Atom ant
Well-known member
at about 6:10 in this video, this demo switches to show off the low pass filter of this pedal. If I were to ask you how to make a pedal that sounds just like this, or show me a pedal that I can make that does this, what would you show me? What is happening to make that low end distortion/fuzz sound? (obviously a low pass fiIter...but...) I have analysis paralysis right now, trying to choose a permanent fuzz for my board. Should I just build a muffin factory to help me narrow my view? I know that I really like the low end sound, but there are 8.2 billion fuzz pedals out there, and a lot of them sound the same, or very similar. When I think if fuzz, this is the sound I want to make. At least, right now it is.
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