Explain like I'm 5, what is going on in this pedal to make is sound like this, please?

Atom ant

Well-known member

at about 6:10 in this video, this demo switches to show off the low pass filter of this pedal. If I were to ask you how to make a pedal that sounds just like this, or show me a pedal that I can make that does this, what would you show me? What is happening to make that low end distortion/fuzz sound? (obviously a low pass fiIter...but...) I have analysis paralysis right now, trying to choose a permanent fuzz for my board. Should I just build a muffin factory to help me narrow my view? I know that I really like the low end sound, but there are 8.2 billion fuzz pedals out there, and a lot of them sound the same, or very similar. When I think if fuzz, this is the sound I want to make. At least, right now it is.
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I think the Moonbow is an Oberheim SEM style filter with a console type drive in front of it. The Hudson Broadcast (PPCB Simulcast) and JHS Crayon (PPCB Pastel Preamp) are both based on consoles and are in the same ballpark sound-wise to me. Rob also posted a picture of the Catalinbread Airstrip on his bench which is also based on a console but is a bit heavier gain than the aforementioned.
However, I'm sure someone around here could help you alter the tone stack of the right pedal to get you close.

I'm obviously not that guy.
at about 6:10 in this video, this demo switches to show off the low pass filter of this pedal. If I were to ask you how to make a pedal that sounds just like this, or show me a pedal that I can make that does this, what would you show me?
You would just turn down the tone knob on your guitar. When that Res knob is turned down, the cutoff knob is the same thing.
With tongue in cheek I take up your "explain like I'm 5" prompt.

Use any distortion pedal
Turn all of its knobs UP
into Any EQ pedal
turn most of its knobs DOWN.

I mean…i meant it. Ive been playing for just over a year. Ive played every day since, and now have a 16 pedal board. Im trying to learn ad much as I can about all of it. If its that simple then great! Ill add an eq pedal to the list!
I mean…i meant it. Ive been playing for just over a year. Ive played every day since, and now have a 16 pedal board. Im trying to learn ad much as I can about all of it. If its that simple then great! Ill add an eq pedal to the list!
I've been playing for 16 years but sound like I've been playing for just over a year so.... yeah...
Like usual I'm right in my own way, but I'm also just messing with you.
There is more than one way to get there.
I've been playing for 16 years but sound like I've been playing for just over a year so.... yeah...
Like usual I'm right in my own way, but I'm also just messing with you.
There is more than one way to get there.
I've been playing for 58 years, but the arthritis is getting worse and worse. You'll soon be better than I am! I recently strained my left ring finger in a five fret stretch. Normally I wouldn't have, but I was quickly switching back and forth from chords to lead and *missed* {{{{{O*U*C*H}}}}}

SOB couldn't play for a month....