thanks for the concern everyone! im new to this so i havent experienced any prolonged damage. after more thinking, im pretty sure the damage to my little fingertips just came from directly touching the flux on the board. the damage wasnt noticeable and has already healed but ill be sure to go to a doctor if it ever gets worse!
Hey guys speaking of avoiding skin and lung and EYE damage......
I'm making several orders today, and saw 10 surplus Weller WSA350 Benchtop Solder Smoke Absorber. 50 bucks free shipping with three activated carbon filters. Well, damn, CE Dist wants $113 for just the unit. So, anyway, they only have 9 now because I just bought one. See link at the bottom if you're interested.
I've just been using a fan, but am now convinced at my advanced age it's time to pull the stops out and protect my body a bit more before it completely unravels.....
So earlier dumped $100 on Tayda, now $50 on eBay, and now I'm going to shoot another $152 on CE Dist (wholesale amp parts). I was listening to sound samples on Jensen's site and these have incredible tone.....
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