Frequency central, Stasis Leak : noisy tap tempo issue.

eh là bas ma

Well-known member

I finished this build recently, everything is fine, all three effects are great.

I struggled with the tap tempo on my build.

It is still noisy despite the extra wire from the switch ground going to to the enclosure, picture 2. (I thought i had seen that somewhere...and I tried.)

I also changed the red led for a yellow one for the tap tempo indicator, but it didn't change the presence of a pulsating noise.
It disappears when tap tempo is off.

The momentary switch itself is audible when i am tapping a tempo.

Any suggestions would be welcome !


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I am sorry, you mean to keep the wires apart from each other inside the enclosure's space , not unsoldering anything ?

Edit : Well, i tried with unfortunatly no change. But thanks !

I also changed the tap-tempo resistor to 4k7. There is a real difference with a faint led light and a smaller noise. Still there though...
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