GPCB Black Dog 1590B build


Well-known member
This is my second black dog build from Barry's. First was amply housed in a drilling-borked 1590BB.

Because I seem to like impossible unrealistic challenges, I thought to box this version in a 1590B. You'll see from the gutshot that the board itself is quite small but I had to be extra-careful with the pots (very tight clearance). When it came to the boxing stage, I discovered that some of the larger caps only just cleared the lid but thankfully it seems to have worked out ok.

It's destined as a gift for a great friend who has graciously lent me his Tele (which seems to be on my horizon soon) for a week or so. The single coils sound and behave quite differently from humbuckers, to which I'm more accustomed, and I'm enjoying playing it through various pedal combos. Also the slightly wider neck helps me play expensive chords more accurately, not that that's saying much with my less than stellar guitar chops.

Yes, it's a great MOSFET-based crunch box and behaves nicely when dimed a bit back from stun.