has anyone solved the LFO ticking in the JimiZero ULITE Moen Vibrato pedal

yeah the shaky jimi is the monstrous box with the round end
they released it after the ulite
it doesn't sound as good as the ulite IMO
i included a link to the ul-vb
I've modded 4 shaky jimis with black tape on the LEDS to get more intensity and all 4 owners couldn't hear the ticking until i pointed it out to them
I just put headphones on mine. With the headphones amp volume & gain dimed, there is a slight LFO "heartbeat" in the background. Not the usual "tick" we get with this type of LFO. [EDIT] I don't know if the same LFO fix that we use on the Sea Horse will work here. Mine does not tick in bypass because the IN/OUT switch disables the LFO in bypass mode. Help me understand how black tape on the LEDs improves the intensity. Do you wrap the tape around the LED & LDR?

I made three mods on mine:
1. Rearranged the LED ballast resistor(s) so all four LEDs share the current equally.
2. Made the front panel LED throb at the LFO speed.
3. Adjusted the RATE range & taper.

While it was at it, I centered the LEDs over the LDRs; they were poorly aligned when I got it. Not sure it made any difference. I have not tested the LDRs, so I have no idea if they're matched or not. I'm guessing not given the price point.
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I have a schematic I traced from my Shaky Jimi. It's a copy of the Hollis Easy Vibe, with a few component value tweaks. The DRIVE trimmer is moved to the front panel and named HUE. I can't vouch for what's inside the JimiZero.
cheers for your reply
the black tape involves encasing the LDR and LED in it's own little chamber doing each individually is meant to allow the light from the LED's to penetrate it's own LDR without cross contamination with 4 LED's throwing light throughout the case
it increases the intensity of the vibrato
the jimizero has a bias trimmer instead of hue
i believe it is an easy vibe copy as well
mine is a gen 1 model not sure if gen 2's solved the ticking
i have tried some of the ideas for de-ticking the easy vibe on the jimizero with no success
I used to have a Shaky Jimi and don't remember any ticking - seriously, I would have. Only a light "swooshing". Anyway, it didn't bother me at all and I used it live for a few years.

If it doesn't bother the player it's all good.