Hi im new to FV-1 and Eeproms and i need help.

Hi everybody, ive got an arachnid board already soldered. I have a couple of 24lc32a and a CH314 eeprom programmer. As a total beginner, im asking if theres some good tutorials to follow. Because i dont know if i have to program the fv-1 or just the eeprom and moreover i havent been able to find a tutorial that fits my situation. Thanks to everybody.
The quick & dirty of FV-1 and EEPROMs is that the SpinSemi FV-1 chip is DSP with a fixed set of internal algorithms (patches). An EEPROM is needed only if one wants to use different FX patches. From there, the rabbit hole is an invitation into lots of reading and experimenting. The EEPROMs typically used are the 24LC32A and you can procure them blank or pre-loaded from the PedalPCB shop.

If you want to create your own patches, the easiest approach is Digital Larry's "SpinCAD Designer", a dual-platform JAVA-based app. It is a GUI for assembling building blocks to create FX patches that can be converted to SpinASM and/or Hex for loading into an EEPROM. There are other methods for programing FV-1 FX patches like SpinASM, C and other languages amenable to the FV-1. Most everything one needs/wants to know about the SpinCAD Designer app can be found HERE. In there one can find the app and how to install it, tutorials and breakdowns of most of the SpinCAD Designer app building blocks. The SpinSemi site also has tons of information on the FV-1, programing and links to several FX patches. Check out their Knowledge Base section.

There is also a lot of reading on FV-1 patches here in this "Spin FV-1 Development" section. And here is a fairly new discussion thread on using the SpinCAD Designer.

Welcome to the FV-1 Rabbit-Hole!
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Hi, i dont have a Fv-1 Dev Board so i cant use SpinAsM. i just have a CH314 Programmer i bought on ebay. I would like to know how to download and program SPN files into my eeproms thought the CH314 programmer. I have to say that i have already installed the software and all needed plugins
Hi, i dont have a Fv-1 Dev Board so i cant use SpinAsM. i just have a CH314 Programmer i bought on ebay. I would like to know how to download and program SPN files into my eeproms thought the CH314 programmer. I have to say that i have already installed the software and all needed plugins
I've no experience with the CH314 Programmer. I'm afraid I'm no help. Check some of the other FV-1 related posts/threads in this forum. In my experience, there's no quick & easy explanation and a good bit of reading is required to get a handle on the file types needed and manners of conversion & transfer.
Hi, i dont have a Fv-1 Dev Board so i cant use SpinAsM.

You can still use SpinASM to compile code, you just have to use a different application to flash it to the EEPROM using the CH341.

There is some information here that might help you, the PedalPCB FV-1 Development PCB is CH341 based so it should be similar to your setup: