Hydra Delay


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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)

A lot of folks on here mentioned how the Hydra is the most fun/best delay around these parts and watching the TPS show about Echorecs I couldn't resist.

Not much to say about the actual build. I took the advice from @JamieJ's build and used an A100K for the mix and clipped pin 3. Works great! For a minute I was not getting any echo from the 1st switch but it turns out it was just a bad joint on the FV-1 for that switch.

The main reason I wanted to post this was that I'm trying out a new thing and I 3D printed a "plate" for the knobs. A little wonky and not perfect, but I kind of like the effect? What do you all think?


Now I just purchased two more with a scheme to build a double/stereo hydra ...
I think it looks awesome! Without a doubt my favorite digital delay that I've built yet. The "Age" knob is the killer. You can really dial in some analog-tape type sounds.
I have the ehx canyon which sounds good too but I wish it had an age knob.
I really like your 3D-printed faceplate.

I see a lot of potential for expanding its place as an integral part of the overal aesthetic.

Inspiration could be taken from wrought-iron artists, glass artists, patterns, etc...





Is a backlit panel doable?
Oh that's a really cool idea. My 3D design skills are still rudimentary but that seems doable! backlit panel would be possible if you had some other clear material in between the plate and the enclosure.
Yours looks great... Amazing work !

Golden box, 3D and all...

I just finished building mine, and it obviously doesn't stand the comparison.

How am I supposed to post my own report, after your beautiful build ?


I cut a DVD box to make some sort of faceplate, took the FV-1 sticker from the plastic bag, and that's it.

Did you try without the mod first ?

I was thinking about it, but the mix pot allows to go from full wet to full dry, so.... What exactly does this mod ? I did look up on JamieJ's post, but I am not sure I fully understood.

Edit: I would buy some faceplates from you, but I am in France. I guess shipping costs would be too high...just like PPCB's faceplates.
With out the mod - With the mix pot at 100% wet you get a kill dry type effect IIRC. With pin 3 of the pot clipped you keep the dry signal in all of the time and add the wet signal back in with it. I personally prefer it with the mod but you could always put it on a switch.

Correct me if i am wrong, but it's like going from100% dry to 50-50 ? Modded Mix control's range is more or less like the first half rotation on a standard Mix control ?