I have a problem

I think I have a problem, every day I check to see if there are any PCB's for sale at C2CE even though I know there won't be.
I check Talk Bass and PedalPCB forums every day as it is so I know there would be a notification put up if Nathan was back in the shop, I still keep checking Sushi Box and C2CE to see if there are any changes anyway.
I have several PCB's I haven't started on yet so I am in no hurry as well.
Do I have a problem or are others affected by this ailment as well ?????
I think I have a problem, every day I check to see if there are any PCB's for sale at C2CE even though I know there won't be.
I check Talk Bass and PedalPCB forums every day as it is so I know there would be a notification put up if Nathan was back in the shop, I still keep checking Sushi Box and C2CE to see if there are any changes anyway.
I have several PCB's I haven't started on yet so I am in no hurry as well.
Do I have a problem or are others affected by this ailment as well ?????

I expect to be "off" for at least another week or so. I have a lot going on this month, largely due to my wife being out of the country for the entire month of July, so I'm a temporary single parent to three daughters while also working full-time, taking care of some home improvement projects, and trying to get Sushi Box and C2C updated. It's 3:30AM here, and I still have one more thing to finish before going to bed.

I'm taking a break, but I've never been very good at resting.
You need to take as much time as you AND your family need you to take, they come before anything else, and you are no good to anyone if you are not well and healthy.
I understand about needing sleep and being tired, I used to work too much when I was young as well and it gets to you in the long run.
I think I worked 4 months straight 12-13 hours each day without any time off once, and that was all night shift. (Friday-Saturday night it was 16 hours)
When I got home me and the BOSS would go to the cinema or the beach where I would go paragliding most of the day, no way I could do that anymore.
( I might wear the pants in the house but when she gets that glimmer in her eye and smiles like Mona Lisa she can make those pants disappear, that's why she is the BOSS)
Now I am just retired early because my body is crap and I am in chronic pain all the time (bone disease), I hardly get any sleep anymore and it does not do me much good to be tired all the time.
You have to enjoy the family now because you never know what is waiting in the future, never think you can wait till you are older to take the family on holidays or do things you want to do.
It seems unreal that our little rugrat is turning 38 this year, she grew up so fast.
Just look out for the terrible teen syndrome, they all get it at some stage and it usually hits fast and slowly fades away over years.
Well I cant shake the symptoms, every day I find myself checking to see if the shop is open yet.
I have a feeling it wont be too much longer till I am cured, I keep sensing new PCB's being stacked up ready for me to buy.:)