Infinidrive PCB problems/tracing issues


New member
I am trying to troubleshoot my infinidrive build with my sillyscope, and I am between the op amp or a bad trace. Problem is since I have filled up the board its kinda hard to see the traces. I wanted to see if I could get a picture of both the front and back of a clean unfilled PCB for Infinidrive, so I can try to troubleshoot a little easier. I understand if you cannot fulfill this request, thank you. The build PDF only has an image of one side of the PCB with traces.

I am getting signal to leg 9 of the opamp but leg 8 outputs nothing so my signal is clearly dying at the opamp, but I am not sure WHY and I want to do some more troubleshooting before undsoldering the TL074. I verified power makes it TO to legs 4 and inversely leg 11. I believe there is a short somewhere because I am getting some strange readings elsewhere as well. I need to be abled to clearly see the traces in order to resolve this issue I am afraid.
I'm not sure I follow why you need to see the traces, can't you use the schematic to trace what connects to what and where and continuity check each component to make sure they connect confirming the trace is ok

Have you actually soldered the TL074 directly to the board or used a socket