J. Rockett Blue Note OD w/Hot Switch

Just as a heads up if you don’t want to wait, the Blue Note could easily be built on the Animal (Mammal) pcb. The circuits are basically identical, with a few resistor substitutions and a different gain pot. I could give specifics if you’re interested.

Not trying to be a buzzkill on the wish list at all haha, the Blue Note is a popular pedal so I’m sure a lot of folks would like to see its own board.
Phi1..thanks for the heads up! I'd be very interested in doing that. After I posted i thought about just doing that and using the Mammal pcb. Look forward to hearing from you
Going by the Pedalpcb Mammal Build Docs,

For Blue Note:
1. Change gain pot to 50kA
2. Change R6 (470R) to 1.2k
3. Change R101 & R102 (47k) to 470k

For #1, you could use any size between 50 and 500 to set the desired max gain. Technically the animal can get the low gain sounds if the Blue Note, it’s just harder to dial in that range. For #2, this only effects the voicing in the hot mode. #3 will have very little effect on the sound, as it’s just a voltage divider to set the Vref