My wife just asked how long it might take until the first pictures are coming from it.
I said "I'll ask Chuck, he knows..."
It will take another 2 weeks for JWST to get to L2. Then NASA will take about 6 months to get everything running, cooled down and calibrated. After that, JWST operations are handed off to The Space Telescope Science Institute and the astronomers. Sometime toward the latter part of that 6 month commissioning and calibration period, NASA will start releasing pictures. So late summer sounds about right.
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It will take another 2 weeks for JWST to get to L2. Then NASA will take about 6 months to get everything running, cooled down and calibrated. After that, JWST operations are handed off to The Space Telescope Science Institute and the astronomers. Sometime toward the latter part of that 6 month commissioning and calibrartion period, NASA will start releasing pictures. So late summer sounds about right.
Really Cool Stuff Chuck, must make you proud!!!
We had a Close Encounter with Skylab in Western Australia, were your Hands on that one too??? :LOL:
Had lunch yesterday with a friend of mine who took over for me on the MIRI cryocooler electronics when I retired a few years ago. He told me that they are running the MIRI cryocooler system in decontamination mode right now, which means it is circulating helium from the warm side of the spacecraft to a spot near the MIRI detectors. This keeps the MIRI detectors warmer than their surrounding, which prevents stray gases from condensing on the detectors while everything out-gasses and cools down. NASA briefly turned on the pulse-tube pre-cooler to verify that it was functional, but did not cool the MIRI detectors yet.
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