Hot off @steviejr92 CNC and brake I saw these and needed one. Not really wanting to go down the Ge tranny circuit rabbit hole to build what it was intended to emulate I opted for a Kazoo instead. The Kazoo is a simple but unique fuzz that I just really like. The only change from stock is that I used MPSA06 Si transistors as recommend as a sub for the MPS6513. To be honest I have used 3904 with excellent results as well. The major snafu on my part was I wanted the drill template spread a bit to better fill the face and in creating one by hand for Stevie to cut I put the switch on the wrong side
. Meh, lots of extra wire be damned it works as designed and doesn’t look like spaghetti inside. To the pics
And to keep in the old school style, this is battery only. I used the unused LED terminals on the 3pdt to break ground on the battery to save battery life. Big thanks to Stevie for such a cool build and for giving me a cool outlet for all my play monies….

And to keep in the old school style, this is battery only. I used the unused LED terminals on the 3pdt to break ground on the battery to save battery life. Big thanks to Stevie for such a cool build and for giving me a cool outlet for all my play monies….