KR Sound
Well-known member
Lots of fixes released last week:
KiCad 8.0.1 Release
The KiCad project is proud to announce the version 8.0.1 bug fix release. The 8.0.1 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.

- Fix custom font rendering issue. #11463
- Improve custom font rendering performance. #16568
- Update properties panel to use select language. #16589
- Make double click open object properties dialog in search panel. #16934
- Improve object alignment tooltips.
- Use correct text color in library tree selected items on non-OSX platforms.
- Fix floating point rounding issues with scaled parameters in settings. #17070
- Fix bottom panel background color in footprint and symbol chooser frames. #15810
- Don’t import invalid SVG polygons. #17091
- Improve fallback (Cairo) canvas performance.
- Reduce fallback (Cairo) canvas memory use.
- Check environment variable when testing for unresolved variables. #17174
- Use a version string without the extra packaging information in drawing sheets. #17176
- Don’t show hidden directories and files in the project tree browser. #16207
Schematic Editor
- Fix ghosting when placing multiple label and text objects. #16885
- Improve custom rule memberOfFootprint help.
- Improve custom rule assertion constraints help.
- Do not prevent netclass directive label from being placed when previously placed with no netclass assignment. #16997
- Do not reset annotation on reference changes when updating or changing symbols from library. #16991
- Improve layout of schematic colors preview. #17043
- Set up default netclass wire and bus widths when importing Altium schematic. #17024
- Ignore field moves when comparing schematic symbol to library symbol. #16944
- Change symbol library search to "and" instead of "or" search terms. #16974
- Do not load pin properties as fields when importing Altium. #17048
- Select graphical shapes based on effective shape instead of bounding box.
- Improve connectivity performance.
- Improve responsiveness of some editing operations.
- Fix crash when assigning footprint in symbol properties dialog. #17154
- Show correct library identifier in change symbols dialog. #17162
- Keep schematic text upright when opening V6 schematic. #17082
- Fix sheet pin align to grid issue. #16920
- Add text size to symbol field properties panel.
- Do not draw checkboxes and icons on top of each other in footprint chooser. #17217
- Do not overwrite the first item in alternate pin selection list when changing alternate pin. #17221
- Fix crash when editing a legacy schematic with missing library symbols. #17232
- Prevent silent deletion of entire symbol when using "Edit Symbol Fields" dialog. #17229
- Do not print selected item on every page. #17132
- Update net navigator when cross probing from board editor net highlight. #16838
- Convert legacy schematic descriptions to fields. #17202
- Fix crash in zone filler. #17237
- Fix crash when ignoring an ERC violation. #17375
Spice Simulator
- Improve tooltips. #17009
- Update VDMOS model defaults to ngspice-41 and later. #17073
- Fix collecting of signals for S-parameter analysis.
- Do not use ohms as units for controlling voltage source parameter. #17076
- Handle single source DC analyses correctly. #17119
- Only change pin assignments from user interaction. #16349
Symbol Editor
- Update description in library tree immediately when changed in properties dialog. #16971
- Improve database library load performance. #17031
- Add pin count and footprint filters options to footprint chooser dialog. #17105
- Add show/hide invisible pins and fields to view menu and toolbar. #8020
- Add KiCad symbol library files to import symbol file selector filters. #17176
- Fix crash when switching between two git branches of an open library. #17204
Board Editor
- Properly create bounding hull cutouts for rule area zones. #16347
- Do not snap mirrored graphic objects to center of selection when not moved. #16524
- Prevent unnecessary move at the beginning of move command. #11080
- Prevent duplicate nets when renaming a net in the net inspector. #17025
- Rule areas should be allowed on user layers. #17034
- Update "Edit Teardrops" dialog to match other teardrop terminology. #17050
- Improve teardrop dialog terminology. #17050
- Fix teardrop generation when arc track is connected to pad.
- Highlight nets and show length tuning status when adding tuning patterns.
- Add turn off all layers preset option to the appearance manager. #15625
- Fix assert and ghost footprint after undoing a footprint drag operation. #17087
- Fix broken routing tool immediate mode (X key press) handling. #17101
- Fix broken rotated rectangles when importing Eagle boards. #17135
- Do not unexpectedly switch focus in board setup grids using the up and down arrow keys. #17144
- Improve grid origin action discoverability. #17007
- Fix crash when placing vias and using measure tool. #17164
- Add option to footprint chooser to switch between the selected footprint or its 3D model. #16173
- Fix memory leak in net inspector dialog.
- Fix memory leak when adding tracks. #16839
- Reduce undo buffer memory usage when deleting group objects. #17175
- Support multi-line text when importing EasyEDA boards. #17171
- Fix issue with rounded rectangles in GERBER plots.
- Unflip view when selecting a viewport which isn’t flipped. #13773
- Prevent tool re-entrancy when placing vias and using measure tool. #17164
- Do not block DRC when schematic parity is check is performed. #17003
- Do not extend lines beyond the usable canvas. #16959
- Fix crash loading board with undefined net item information. #17230
- Rework on bottom panel of footprint chooser to properly display long strings.
- Correctly handle circular board outline cut outs in STEP exports. #17137
- Correctly handle footprint graphic knockouts for no-net case. #17223
- Save and restore corner radius ratio when plotting pads. #17247
- Don’t select reference images when they are hidden. #16283
- Revert changed rotation behavior for all objects except text boxes. #16481
- Fix selection freeze when selecting two zones on the same layer with different nets. #17327
- Do not clip output when plotting to PDF. #17355
Footprint Editor
- Improve missing feature warnings when importing Altium footprint libraries. #16975
- Draw graphical shapes with correct fill color. #17250
3D Viewer
- Add option to use PCB Editor physical stackup settings as defaults. #17085
- Update color changes made in appearance panel. #17374
Gerber Viewer
- Fix broken XOR mode behavior. #17282
Worksheet Editor
- Hide text item properties built in keywords drop down list when changing control focus. #17124
- Fix properties frame focus issue.
Python scripting
Command Line Interface
- Fix footprint chooser graphical glitch after task switch. #15810
- Fix unselectable footprints in footprint chooser. #15889
- Fix crash on pre-1903 Chinese Windows 10 systems when importing EasyEDA projects. #17248
- Fix net selector filter field focus on GTK.
- Force correct library tree row height on GTK. #16403