King Nothing Not Working

Finally got it working, thank y’all so much!

I removed the daughter board from the equation and used a new Gorva switch.

All good, now. Getting signal when it’s on and off.
View attachment 79862

🥳 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I've been skipping the daughterboards lately. I feel like every time I toast a 3pdt, a daughterboard is attached to it. The ones that came with my recent acrobat build went in the garbage.
You have to take your time with switches, they can't handle the heat very well.
With stomp switches I always solder left to right so I solder a different switch group each time, but most important I always wait 10-20 seconds between soldering another leg.
It takes time but not as long as having to remove and replace the switch because it got overheated.
You have to take your time with switches, they can't handle the heat very well.
With stomp switches I always solder left to right so I solder a different switch group each time, but most important I always wait 10-20 seconds between soldering another leg.
It takes time but not as long as having to remove and replace the switch because it got overheated.
I'll second that