Kliché Mini Noob Issues


Hey guys - 2nd pedal build here and having a pretty bizarre issue - getting no difference with pedal 'on' vs 'off' - both are just my completely dry signal. LED works with switch. Checked continuity on the footswitch and that checks out. All 3 knobs do nothing with the LED on, or off. No change in volume, gain or tone. I've checked voltages at all 3 IC's and they are comparable within 0.3v of what others have posted. I did have all 3 installed backwards initially. Also had the LED backwards initially. My solders are certainly amateur. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. Many thanks in advance!
I think you will have better luck boxing it with the footswitch in the proper orientation. I would fix that before doing anything else, especially since it seems likely to be a switching issue.
It goes into the box the same as it would otherwise. That mini pcb is symmetric so it functions the same either way...I've thought about that one a lot...i have been known to be dumb before though. The continuity checked out on the footswitch though. 1/2 and 4/5, 2/3 and 5/6 go together.
Were the voltages measured before or after correcting the orientation?

More info: first off, audio probes are the coolest thing ever. After poking around for a while the biggest things that stand out to me are I have no signal on the nodes going into pin 2 or 6 of IC2 with the gain all the way up. With the gain all the way down I get nothing on pin 6 and the slightest, and I mean ever so barely audible signal on pin 2. Not sure if this is normal or not. Also with the gain all the way up I figured I'd get more gain off of pin 7 of IC1...any gain really. Sounds like my dry signal.

What does it all mean?
May as well post my IC voltages:

1. 4.53
2. 4.53
3. 3.54 (always starts higher and drops?)
4. 0
5. 4.52
6. 4.53
7. 4.55
8. 9.04

1. 4.52
2. 4.52
3. 4.52
4. -8.59
5. 4.53
6. 4.53
7. 4.54
8. 16.23

1. 9.04
2. 4.72
3. 0
4. -4.13
5. -8.59
6. 4.51
7. 5.77
8. 9.04
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Can anyone confirm that I should be hearing signal from pins 2 and 6 of IC2? I've been trying to study up on op amps, but can't find this specific answer anywhere. My gut is that I should be hearing something.
2 and 6 are the inverted input. I think you should hear the signal, but I can’t confirm. But the above mention you should for sure. If you don’t, then that’s where we need to dig in.
I'm thinking 3 and 5 on IC2 shouldn't have a signal since all they get is VRef. 2 and 6 I figured would carry the signal to the op amp.
IC1 should have signal on both input pins. Pins 3 and 5 are the positive input. In this circuit consider it the raw/original signal. Pins 2 and 6 are the negative input and are part of the feedback loop from the output pins. You can tell it's a feedback loop since you can trace the signal from output back to input. This is also a gain stage.

IC 2 won't have any signal on pins 3 and 5 since they come directly from your power stage
Ok new info: turns out when I crank the volume on my amp I do have signal on IC2 pins 2 and 6. Also, when I short pins 2 and 3 on the volume pot I actually get more volume out of the pedal. With the volume pot shorted, if I short Gain.1 (not sure which direction) I actually get distortion out of the pedal...so I guess my pots are bad? Is it possible that I melted them or something on install?