Kliche, the half million dollar pedal?


Well-known member
I was never that interested in a Klon style pedal. None of the demos or descriptions of what it does appealed to me much. Last year, when there was some attention on the $500K one on Reverb (from the JHS guy--it was mostly a publicity stunt), I got interested despite not wanting to. I figured I should try one.

Overall, I kind of like it. Due to this hobby, I have enough ODs that any of them is pretty much redundant with something, so it's not essential. But I can definitely see why this pedal has fans--it has a more pleasing boost tone than I expected.

I did a waterslide decal on this one with the original logo. In retrospect, I wish I did something more creative with the design--now it looks too much like a cheap Chinese knockoff.

It has a few mods too: The tone cap was changed 3.9n to 6.8n (based on many mod recommendations). The pull down/up resistors were changed to 2M. I used LF353 in IC1 and 5332 in IC2. I changed the volume pot to logarithmic. The diodes are some unlabeled germaniums (probably 1n34a) I had from many years ago--they measured about 0.325 Vf on my mm.

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Never too late to mod the graphic. Easiest would be to overlay another graphic on top.

Maybe Mr Centaur is grabbing on to some spherical objects that belong to another entity, maybe Mr Centaur is about to cut them off...

Or perhaps Mr Centaur can shoot electrical fire from his fingertips while dropping rainbow roses out the other end.

Add some zebra stripes?

Appaloosa spots!