LED Ring Stompswitches, anyone sell *just the lens?*


Well-known member
I love these LED ring stompswitches. But I always chuck the switch.

Does anyone know if you can buy just the translucent ring diffuser? Or buy them without the switch.

dunno if this is quite what you’re looking for but

Thanks. I might give those a try.

The guy who runs DIY Guitar Pedals.com.au said he prefers the more diffuse look of the type in the first post. The retrofit type he sells shows each LED as hot spots, which detracts from the visual magic a bit.


I realized my post was dumb and tried to delete it minutes later, but I couldn't find a way.

What am I gonna do to save money? Design my own ring LED PCBs? Easy. Yes. But soldering those tiny SMD LEDs and resistors would be a nightmare.

I'll stick with getting the full package from Hugo. $3.50 is not that much to save my sanity.
Thanks for the input though!