

Active member
This seems to be a cool mod for JMs and some other guitars. It sounds almost like a harmonic tremolo but is inbuilt into the guitar. But it also seems pretty expensive.

Has anyone seen this reverse engineered anywhere? The unit itself seems to be pretty small with multiple surface mounted bits. 284 Euros is like 450 Aus. Hard to justify when a stereo harmonic tremolo pedal would work with multiple guitars as opposed to one. But it would still be cool to have a JM with this.

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I don't have any idea how it actually works, but I can guess it's not far off from a harmonic tremolo, but instead of swapping filters its just swapping pickups. It gives parameters of 0.4hz to 12hz for the speed, so that's what you need your LFO to do. I'd do the switching for the pickups however you want and use a scheme similar to the pendulum pedalpcb project with each pickup feeding an op amp with the LDRs affecting the gain on the mixer op amp at the end just like the pendulum if you did mono or have them feed two separate op amps for stereo.
Anyone here try this out at all yet?
I have a lovely jazzmaster body that I think would be sick with a 12 string neck, gold foils, and a leslee system for swirly twirly jangle goodness