Madbean Kraken


Well-known member
This was a fairly easy build. It’s a mu-tron V . Stuffing it in a 1590b was pretty breezy too. Love the sound of this pedal. Splatter'd paint on a tayda red sand enclosure then I used waterslide decal for the Grateful Dead mu-tron logo mashup.


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Kind of looks like a rehoused Behringer, but we can’t know for sure without a gut shot:😂
not a behringer..... haha, nothing against behringer tho. gotta love their prices. that was the only gear I could afford when I started playing 25 years ago. My back is sore just thinking about lugging my old 4x12 cabinet to band practice and shows but I still love that thing. I got this spectrum pedal that i love. its a cocked wah type sound.


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not a behringer..... haha, nothing against behringer tho. gotta love their prices. that was the only gear I could afford when I started playing 25 years ago. My back is sore just thinking about lugging my old 4x12 cabinet to band practice and shows but I still love that thing. I got this spectrum pedal that i love. its a cocked wah type sound.
Holy crap, a 4x12?