Magic Diodes for Bass Klon?


Well-known member
I'm building up a bass Klon using Chuck's mods:

I have a stash of Ge diodes to choose from. Came from a PIF I received last year. I'll probably sample a few in the circuit before committing, but wondered if there were any guidelines or recommendations? Or is it all BS and I should throw some BATs in there??


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I just put some russian d9 x in mine. I measured and out 2 that were around .33 as i recall. Was just aiming for around .3-.35
There’s definitely a sound difference. But IMHO, the klon is a boost with a gain pot. That being said, I had one on my bass board the whole time I was gigging. I used 1n34As. I really like the D9 x though.
Here's my CAD2¢...

I'd go with a Bat solution of some kind, as it's less affected by temperature than Ge.

The Bat41 (a fave of @HamishR's IIRC) has a smooth transition like the Ge,
A Bat 46 has the more similar fV of Ge (both around 0.25).

I've also read of pairing a Bat with a MOSFET for simulating Ge-like clipping characteristics
(of course I couldn't find that again online or in my notes 😼 ).

From the 41vs46 thread, Temol posted this:


More, in another PPCB thread, on the MOSFET here.

Something like this diagram below, which will have more headroom for the bass than using just the Schottky or just the MOSFET on their own.

BAT & MOSFET CLIPPING.png Diagram Courtesy Electronics Stack Exchange

Jack Orman's info on the topic and some other ideas to try.
Lots of ideas, you're probably already familiar with them.

I found this thread on DIYSB to be helpful in my understanding what Mr Orman was relating.

This thread has given me an idea: get a bunch of switches and throw some 2N7000 and BS170 on some perf and route all the legs of the MOSFETs through the switches to easily try the different ways to connect and use MOSFETs' diodes and MOSFETs as diodes.

You could always just Chuck in a couple of red LEDs, even though Dave has made no Bones about it that he's opposed to LEDs in Klones.
