Mofeta, Viceroy...? Other fantastic cranked six-knobbers to check out?


Active member
So happy to have found (read: bought) this fine-tuned Orange among the boards! Which other pre-amps are worth a closer look, for those enjoying the bonkers / over-the-top variations? There's soo much put there! - Already have the Parentheses by the way. I am looking specifically for six-knobbers because it would make a neat, tidy line of similar looking pedals.
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it doesn't have 6 knobs, it may be a meme pedal, and many have probably skipped past it for obvious reasons, but out of all the "amp-in-a-box" / distortion pedals ive tried so far (REVV G3, Soldano, PG-14, Figment (MIG-50), Tight Metal, Rat, Klon), the 4 knob Face Melter is the most versatile and natural sounding distortion I have tried yet.
it has x2 modes (or channels), low gain and high gain, both are just as useable as each other.
plugged in front of a clean amp channel, the treble and bass controls work well to offer just about any kind of distortion tone you want (except fuzz).
and yep, on the low gain channel setting it will gladly take an overdrive in front and reward you for it \m/ (tight and thick sustain, no bullshit)

yes it doesn't have 6 knobs. but this is better than any 6 knobber i've tried.