My LBD - Modified PPCB NuDrive


Well-known member
A'ite. Another one done.

This is a bit of an homage to one of my favorite more "recent" Metal bands, Zeal and Ardor. Their original conceit was to marry Black Metal with "Black" music. Rootsy gospel, call-and-response bluesy chants, and you know. Black metal.

They occupy a high-concept avant-garde sort of space in the metal genre. Each album is a concept album, connected by a common thread of existing in a fictional version of American history (all except for wake of a nation, their EP). The story they tell is one where the enslaved African population of the 1600's through mid 1800's does not adopt the religion of their oppressor. Instead, they embrace the opposite, and as the first track of their first album tells us: the Devil is fine.

Which is actually an idea that holds some historical precedent. Especially when it comes to certain indigenous Latin American populations. Folks come on over, start chopping off your hands, making you work for nothing, beat and whip ya? What god y'all follow again? Yeah, imma do the opposite. Shit makes sense to me.

Which leads to such bangers of lyrics as:

To the detractors, and the accusers, and the people of the other side
I would say that they would make ideal human sacrifices.

*Edit*. Turns out that's a sample from Anton LaVey. That dude sucked ass, but the quote is well sampled.

Fucking br00tal.

Anywho, lets keep this thread on track here. This is fictional. Theater. Drama. NOT REAL. If you want to clutch your pearls, go do it elsewhere. I like heavy metal and horror movies. If you don't, that's cool, you're entitled to your wrong opinion.


I really can't recommend these guys enough. Fantastic band. Sometimes they fall just short of *greatness*, but goddamn if there isn't anything else quite like them and I love it. Will link one of their songs below.

So, they've adopted the sigil of lucifer as their logo, albeit with a Z at the top. Well, I used the sigil of lucifer as the main design element of this pedal, because it worked perfectly with the cutout that I wanted to do to expose the Nutube.

I made a few modifications to the circuit in order to replicate parts of the Mean Green Metal Machine, and routed one of the clipping LEDs to a cutout on the front ala the "seeing eye mod" that I used to have on Robert Keeley modded DS-1 that I used over 15 years ago.

Sounds pretty fucking cool. Great for juicing the front end of an amp. So is born my LBD: Little Black Devil.

The wiring I phoned in a bit. Sue me.

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Fuuuuuck yeah man.
Love Zeal and dig this build!
Haven't given the new LP a full honest listen yet. Maybe tonight.

Manuel has a couple of other projects too. None hit like Z&A but dig this track from his solo project

Are those solid caps working good for you? Had noise in a recent build where I used one for DC smoothing and it was super noisy. Changing the cap cleared it up
I only use them in specific areas, honestly.

Decoupling caps, PSU filter caps: fair game. Same rules that I follow for x7r ceramics. I haven't had any issues using polymer caps in those scenarios.

Most other applications I'll use electrolytic. DC blocking, anything where I know that I need to control current (Like, say, a cap connected to PIN 6 of a PT2399): I'll leave the polymer caps in the bag.

I started using these after seeing them pop up on tons of commercial pedals and trying to figure out what the hell they were. They're great on paper...with caveats. Like with anything else.

I've had fantastic luck with kemets.

I'm a bit on the side of borderline irrational with component selection. The mil-spec RN55s and CMF55s I use are like...oh...145x the price of the Royal ohms on tayda. I'll use C0G ceramics basically anywhere up to 220nF...those get expensive in that range.

Does it make a difference? Probably not. Hell, being more methodical with my wiring would likely have a larger impact.

Honestly: I need to slow down a little bit. I get too excited when I have a few minutes to build and end up rushing through the process. I just started a new enclosure that I somehow completely fucked up my measurements on. Another one for the scrap heap. Yeesh.
Hell yeah. Nice build. I really enjoyed the write up.

Where did you get your NuTube if you don't mind me asking?
A'ite. Another one done.

This is a bit of an homage to one of my favorite more "recent" Metal bands, Zeal and Ardor. Their original conceit was to marry Black Metal with "Black" music. Rootsy gospel, call-and-response bluesy chants, and you know. Black metal.

They occupy a high-concept avant-garde sort of space in the metal genre. Each album is a concept album, connected by a common thread of existing in a fictional version of American history (all except for wake of a nation, their EP). The story they tell is one where the enslaved African population of the 1600's through mid 1800's does not adopt the religion of their oppressor. Instead, they embrace the opposite, and as the first track of their first album tells us: the Devil is fine.

Which is actually an idea that holds some historical precedent. Especially when it comes to certain indigenous Latin American populations. Folks come on over, start chopping off your hands, making you work for nothing, beat and whip ya? What god y'all follow again? Yeah, imma do the opposite. Shit makes sense to me.

Which leads to such bangers of lyrics as:

To the detractors, and the accusers, and the people of the other side
I would say that they would make ideal human sacrifices.

Fucking br00tal.

Anywho, lets keep this thread on track here. This is fictional. Theater. Drama. NOT REAL. If you want to clutch your pearls, go do it elsewhere. I like heavy metal and horror movies. If you don't, that's cool, you're entitled to your wrong opinion.


I really can't recommend these guys enough. Fantastic band. Sometimes they fall just short of *greatness*, but goddamn if there isn't anything else quite like them and I love it. Will link one of their songs below.

So, they've adopted the sigil of lucifer as their logo, albeit with a Z at the top. Well, I used the sigil of lucifer as the main design element of this pedal, because it worked perfectly with the cutout that I wanted to do to expose the Nutube.

I made a few modifications to the circuit in order to replicate parts of the Mean Green Metal Machine, and routed one of the clipping LEDs to a cutout on the front ala the "seeing eye mod" that I used to have on Robert Keeley modded DS-1 that I used over 15 years ago.

Sounds pretty fucking cool. Great for juicing the front end of an amp. So is born my LBD: Little Black Devil.

The wiring I phoned in a bit. Sue me.

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Thx for the tip,Black Metal with black blues vibe is new for me.My Black Metal is allways fast and furios like 1349,Akhlys,Panzerfaust,etc.Thanks.Metal till the grave
Hell yeah. Nice build. I really enjoyed the write up.

Where did you get your NuTube if you don't mind me asking?

I think I bought mine off eBay a couple years back. Expensive little component. Damn thing is like 50 bucks these days. IIRC shipping was brutal too.

It was a curiosity that I'm glad I scratched, but I'm probably not gonna buy another one.

I certainly wasn't going to hide mine in an enclosure. No sir. You pay for a grille, you show that shit off.

Thx for the tip,Black Metal with black blues vibe is new for me.My Black Metal is allways fast and furios like 1349,Akhlys,Panzerfaust,etc.Thanks.Metal till the grave

Check out the first two albums: Devil is Fine and Stranger Fruit (which, by the way, is a reference to Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit". A song that has worked itself into a permanent spot of unease in the back of my head) Those two stick the closest to the original concept.

They have a vibe that is very My Arms, Your Hearse-era Opeth. Speaking as a pre-heritage Opeth megafan that views MAYH and Still Life as their peak: hell yeah. Gimmie.

From Stranger Fruit, this one's a banger:

From Devil Is Fine:

From Wake of a Nation:

Their self-titled album veers a little from the original concept, injecting bits of groove and nu-metal influences. Nu-metal, you might say? Yeah, I'd say "gross" too...normally. But...well...there's no arguing with how hard this one hits:

Their latest album, Grief, is a real departure. Lots of the black metal elements have vanished from this one. It's their first effort as a full band, instead of Manuel doing everything but drums.

It is still a *great* album. But it does strike me as a band trying to find their footing. Some of the songs are earwormy as fuck, but theres something about it I can't put my finger on that doesn't sit right with me. Something about the way the album flows feels a little inconsistent. Still, the glimmers of what makes them Zeal and Ardor are there, and it's still on my regular rotation.

Just searched for NuDrive, saw this thread. Nice build, I did something similar for a Madbean UberTuber. My guitar rig is NuTube. Vavlenergy preamps, 2 NuTekt Power Tube Reactors. 1000001170.jpg 1000001172.jpg
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