No Sound out of Chaos Machine

Dirk Speicher

New member
Hi everyone.
I've build a chaos machine. Kit was complete by a webshop in Germany, so all correct parts were in the pack. I do a lot of diy soldering and repair.
When the pedal is inactive, Bypass works . Activatin the pedal, LED is on, but no Sound.
I have checked: all the capacitors, all ICs and the orientation, all the wires and shortcuts. Tryed without the enclosure, . What i can't check, if the ICs and transitors are all working. Do i miss anything ?... Looks like an amlifier does not work , so that there is no Output ??
In the pic you see, that i switched the Colours from the power Input. I've changed that during the search.

Thanx and greetings from germany



  • DSC_0061klein.jpg
    764 KB · Views: 33
I suggest using an audio probe to start tracing the audio signal as it goes through your board. You check another recent post about the Chaos Machine to get a link to the schematic. When you checked the parts, were you just making sure the solder joints were good? Or were use also using your DMM to confirm they were connecting to other parts?
Hi ! Thank you for the tip. I will check with the help of the schematics. Thanks ! :) Maybe i will check backwards, because i can hear a very very small bleed of the dry Signal, when cranking up the volume. !Maybe the last amplifier is not proper connected !