Noob Audio Probe question


Well-known member I'm going to build an audio probe (finally) based off the rattlesnake audio probe
going to use the red and black probes from an old DMM and hook them up to a mono jack, with a 100nF cap on the red probe wire. Anyway, my question is; how do I play music thru it? I can plug a cable from my amp input to the jack on the audio probe. Then cable from guitar to input of pedal? How do I get sound to come out of the amp? Or do I need another input source? Why am I making this harder to understand than it is?
Your probe works just like a I/o jack or cable, sleeve will be ground and the probe(tip) will be signal… super simple.

You can hook the pedal output to amp, hook any signal ( guitar, looper, tone gen, hell even your phone) to the probe input, ground the probe to the pedal then touch the probe to the pedal signal path.

And it can work inversely as well , hook your signal to the pedal input, and hooking the probe to an amp of some sort (I use the interface on my computer to DAW) and touch probe to signal path.
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I do have a looper. So is it possible to hook the looper up to the same amp the probe is hooking to? So I could to do guitar to looper, looper to input of pedal, output of pedal to where? Also cable from amp input to audio probe jack. Why am I still not grasping this lol? I get the probe is essentially the i/o.
Only hook the pedal to ether signal or amp not both and use the probe (grounded to the pedal) to complete the connection of the other (Input or output ) by touching it to any where in the signal path.