SOLVED Ocelot build tiny problems


Finished my Ocelot build tonight... it works! Tracking is surprisingly good with bass, really quite fast and accurate.

Just a couple of tiny problems that aren't really problems... first is with the footswitch in the off position there is still some current getting to the LED, not much but it's a tiny bit on. Could maybe just be the CLR value not right for my red 3mm LED. Second problem is when I press the footswitch to engage the effect everything goes quiet for about half a second then comes back on, maybe a bad footswitch or maybe normal behaviour.

Anyone experiencing any thing like this? Either way it's got that OC2 sound nailed.

The schematic would be very useful :)

Sounds like a cap not draining / charging fast enough check any big electros in the power supply circuit or try reflowing the solder joints on C100 the 100u that looks to be in the power section

Looking at this image D100 and C100 are reverse polarity protection and filtering with the R101 and 102 voltage dividing if you follow the traces from the + pad

No idea what the 220u is doing but maybe reflow that too looking at the original schematic that looks like a filter cap

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