Paragon Mini - Both Channels bleed signal in Overdrive mode with volume at minimum


Well-known member
Hey-o. Here's one that's got me stumped..

I noticed that my Paragon Mini build bleeds a significant amount of signal in Overdrive mode with the Volume knob at minimum.. Both channels. It does not bleed signal in Distortion mode at all and only a tiny bit in Boost mode. If lug 1 of the Volume pot were referenced to ground I feel like I'd have an easier time at this, but as it stands I feel like I'm chasing my tail. Here's what I've done so far:

Replaced the right/top channel's Volume pot.
- I did this because the left/lower channel was in Distortion mode, so I didn't realize the problem pertained to both channels. I decided to remove the right/upper channel's Volume pot and measure it outside the circuit (seemed okay, but I replaced it all the same).

Replaced C11 filter capacitor
- I have heard that some capacitor failures can present as potentiometer problems. It seems that this particular capacitor was not the problem!

Checked resistor band values to layout
- Yep. Everything seems to check out.

Re-flowed solder connections
- No change here either.

Other pertinent information:
- The "overdrive" diodes are 1S1588s that I've used successfully in other BB-style and TS-style builds. I find it unlikely that they're to blame, but since they're directly related to the issue at hand it's worth mentioning.

Oh, and here's a picture. I'm not sure how much good it'll do, but I'm throwing it in for good measure. The guts are a whole lot less pretty now that I've disassembled the damn thing a half dozen times, so I'm just waiting to fix it before I tidy them back up! Any troubleshooting tips are welcome; I'm hoping it's a stupid oversight on my part.

Paragon Mini.jpg
Paragon Mini 2.jpg