Hi all.
I made a template for the new Chop Shop with tone switch since I couldn't find one. I have not built this. I have not ordered this. I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I am prone to some silly errors. Please check my work and buyer beware until I confirm with an order. Note I use 5mm LED bezels and size to 8.2mm diameter.
Perhaps @Robert could confirm if the switch is -20mm off center on the X axis (I don't think it's any further than 21).
I made a template for the new Chop Shop with tone switch since I couldn't find one. I have not built this. I have not ordered this. I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I am prone to some silly errors. Please check my work and buyer beware until I confirm with an order. Note I use 5mm LED bezels and size to 8.2mm diameter.
Perhaps @Robert could confirm if the switch is -20mm off center on the X axis (I don't think it's any further than 21).