Purple Chorus (Analog Bi Chorus) board for sale anywhere?


Well-known member
Hi there, has anyone a Purple Chorus (Analog Bi Chorus) board for sale or knows where I could get one please?
Thanks in advance!
Looks awesome @Cybercow I wish I had been aware about these earlier. Very tragic with Cees passing, way too early.
Thanks. And yes, Cees was taken quite early.

Just before he released his Purple Chorus, I had worked up a dual/stereo chorus of my own. Using two heavily modified Small Clone clone PCBs from GuitarPCB, I managed to create the 'Stereophonic Gizmotronic Symphonic Harmonic Perambulator Dual Chorus'. While Cees' Purple Chorus uses a single MN3207 BBD chip, mine uses two of either the MN3007 or MN3207 BBD chips one on each of the two PCBs.

Dual-Chorus_2_Done_01.jpg Dual-Chorus_2_Gutshot_Done_00.jpg

If you want to build up one of these, I can provide more details and put you in touch with Spencer at AmplifyFun to get a finished, printed enclosure if you like.
Looks very cool too @Cybercow ! I'll keep it in mind, thanks for offer! I'll still see if someone has a spare Purple Chorus board for now.
And I would do my own enclosure graphics since shipping from US costs an arm and a leg to down here.