SOLVED Refractor gain cutting out


New member
I just finished building a Aionfx Refractor. Sounds amazing!

However, I get an odd behavious. Cold I can crank the gain all the way up and it sounds as it should. After about 10 minutes gain lowers on its own.
At that point, If I go from 0 gain and increase it gradually; at about 11oclock it trips down to barely any gain.
If I leave it at a lower gain setting, all keeps sounding good.

Where should I start looking?
The problem with the build in the link I shared was C16 (1µF Tantalum) was installed backwards. Without pictures or IC voltages or anything else, it's hard to even begin guessing at what could be wrong.
It was indeed the C16 Tantalum installed backwards.
Reversed its installation and now it seems to sound as it should. Thanks you so much for that link; sure saved me huge amount of troubleshooting time.

On a side note blue locktite = good. Red locktite = permanent / too much. Jack and switch on this box are there to stay...