Schematics for pedals using 2N5457?

Typically I'll use polar unless the schematic calls for bipolar/non-polar specifically. I'll try to find higher quality ones.

That symbol with both the curved (negative) and straight (positive) lines is definitely a polar cap— just without the polarity indicator.
I think it's even blurrier, and of course the schemetic is only as accurate as the author.
I've always taken |( as "electrolytic" which is polarized, in general. Though here, a non polarized cap is perfectly viable because there's only voltage present on one side. So soooome use |( as non polarized and +|( as polarized. I think it's more like |( as almost "dealer choice, just not backwards if it is polarized"
Bipolar I've seen as two curved lines mirrored —) (—
If it's an NPN circuit, but if it's a PNP... It'd be positive to ground.
Going with negative ground since +9 is noted.
"schematic ia only as good as the author" — amen to that!, Jwin615, quoted for verity.

When I first started producing my own schematics, so many variables with how to treat crossing lines, alone.

I still have much to learn and improve with drawing my own schematics, as I compare them to others, I can see that clearly.
Robert's and Madbean's are great! Clean & clear.
VonRutter's, not quite as much. I've scratched my head over a few of his.

No set rules, only guidelines mired in or marred by personal preference.
In a schematic, polarity will typically be indicated if it’s relevant. Often, this is because the value is greater than or equal to 1uF, as that is when polarized capacitor packages (i.e., aluminum electrolytic or tantalum) become more common. For a schematic associated with a particular board, the presence of the polarity in the symbol typically means that a corresponding footprint for a polarized component is found on the board.

Any time there is a voltage potential between the two connections on a capacitor, some sort of polarity can be indicated. However, just because it is indicated doesn’t mean that the component must be. E.g., a schematic may use a polarized symbol for a 1uF capacitor: you can use 1) an aluminum electrolytic 1uF capacitor there—and you would heed to the information about polarity when determine orientation of installation—but you could also use 2) a film 1uF capacitor and not worry about polarity because it’s not relevant there.