Son of (a) Ben


New member
Hi, all. Having trouble with first build. The circuit passes no sound from the instrument input. Some issues I've identified:
-Instructions say to set Trim pot 1 to 2k. However, where the pot bottoms out, it still reads a minimum of 6k. This is measured from VCC to the bottom lead from R5.
2nd trim pot is all good: it says to set it so Q2 drains 4.0v. I have it on about 3.89v, as close as I've gotten without overshooting. I'm measuring red on the drain and black on ground.
3rd trim pot is supposed to be set so Q3 drains 4v as well. No matter what I do to trim pot 3, Q3 drains 9-9.5
-Bass pot is supposed to be a double B1M. Musikding sent a single. They made multiple shipping errors, so I'm wondering if this was another.

Notes: the big red cap is another 22n. The original wasn't passing current but this one is. The soldering looks a lot better on project #2.

Thank you so much for any advice!


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