Specialist Reverb + Default FX Switch


Well-known member
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
There's like two dozen builds before this I haven't posted, but this is a great one to start with, as it is my first commissioned build, my first FV1 build and my first "proper" mod (ie not just a different component value).

I LOVE this pedal and will be building one for myself. I have a Walrus Audio Mako R1 and this sounds as good (haven't opened that up but I'm positive it's an FV1 as well). Way easier to tweak to get to a usable noise. Not a perfect comparison since that's stereo, and is frankly more of a studio unit than a pedal, but in terms of sound quality, sound variety and tweakability, this guy is a home run.

I got the chip presoldered, which I'll probably do again at least for now because it doesn't cost that much more than the chip. Easy build otherwise.

Another note, I almost said screw it on the 15p cap, but decided to be patient and order it. Has something to do with the clock so I didn't want to mess with it.

For the mod, it's just a switch running to ground connected to one of the input pins (on my phone and can't look up the thread, sorry) which bypasses the EEPROM chip and uses the default programming. The chorus is really nice, it's worth doing this mod just for that.

My friend is picking it up this week so I'll return with his feedback!

Looking forward to hearing what your friend thinks.

I agree that the mod to bypass the EEPROM is a no-brainer, makes any FV-1 build so much more versatile.

Any graphics planned for the face?
Looking forward to hearing what your friend thinks.

I agree that the mod to bypass the EEPROM is a no-brainer, makes any FV-1 build so much more versatile.

Any graphics planned for the face?
Yeah! it's probably not an ideal spot for the switch, but I didn't want to risk kissing up against the board for this build.

My friend wanted to put something together himself, idk if he got any further than this.

I have the Photoshop skill set to put proper graphics together but I'm so obsessed with circuitry that it's hard to peel myself away. I have some ideas (the double stuff muff is pretty straight forward, the desert sands triple combo pedal has yet to be pinned down), but until I have a true reason to I'm focusing on learning new circuits and new components.


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