Spirit Box question


Active member
I am looking to build the Spirit Box when it comes back in stock (any ETA??).
I have been reading in the forum about swapping out R4 with a 20K trimpot to gain a better control over unity volume. I saw the trimmit breakout board that would be great to use. How do you physically connect it and set it up on the board in a neat way? Was thinking of using left over diode clipped leads to have it sitting up a bit higher as they are a bit thicker and stronger. Any suggestions or pictures of ones you have used would be very helpful.
Also is the 3362P type of trimpot the best to use with these boards?
So I'd think you could use anything between 20k to 50k for the trimmer. As for connecting it to the board, the 3 legs of the trimmer fit into the inner holes. You could use some trimmed leads or probably pin headers as well to go between the trim board and the two holes for the resistor. It should sit on top of the neighboring resistors with no issues.
Yep, 3362P is what it was designed for.

I've used single pin headers, but diode leads would work if you want it to sit higher.