This pedal plan and build works great mostly, but the vibe tone is more on the deep and darker side mostly, i cannot seem to get to the brighter aspects of the vibe throb? any suggestions or components on this schematic anyone sees that could be changed or adjusted? Or is it mostly based on the bulb and LDRs ?. Also, The mini tuning pot is at its limit, cant turn anymore, so don't know what would happen if i had more adjustment in that direction, yet the best tone is back a tiny bit, so that tells that tail. I went into a local store with this vibe build. I plugged it in side by side with a dunlop jimi hendrix univibe, and the dunlop had that brighter squishy / chewy tone, nice, yet my build with the proper bulb etc was way more organic sounding, yet the brighter chewiness was missing from my pedal. I couldn't get the brightness. if i can get there, the pedal will be epic. help!