TL072CP Op Amp Differences

A capacitor, cheap and quite small,
Had a voltage that wouldn’t stand tall.
It leaked with a hiss,
Then smelled like old fish,
Leaving circuits to fail, that's all!

One hundred mic cap
Chinese electrolytic
Electrons leak out

O humble cap, thou art of slender might,
A mere vessel of transient charge and woe,
Thy threads of foil, though wrapped in cloaks so tight,
Cannot withstand the strain of time’s cruel flow.

Thou art but cheap, thy voltage weak and frail,
A fickle servant to the electron dance;
Thy power ebbs, thy strength doth slowly pale,
And circuits fail beneath thy fleeting glance.

Though once thou sparked with noble, steady flame,
Now prone to leaks, to hiss, to swift decay,
Thy reign is brief, thy glory turned to shame,
As all thy charge doth swiftly fade away.

Yet still thou serve, though poor, in humblest place,
For in thy failure, truth we must embrace.